Voicethread-- this is a type of community blogging tool that utilizes video, audio, and messaging. It's pretty cool and versatile. It allows a community to comment, keep in touch, and contribute to a topic or page.
It is free on the internet.
Kidspiration-- This is a kid's page to help them learn and interact. It helps kids have fun, get involved, and learn things in school. It is also free, and it is already downloaded on the computers in the McKay Building TEC lab.
Stellarium-- This allows students to pick any place in the world at any time and look at the sky there. They can use it to study phases of the moon, stars, planetary motion, time zones, etc.
It can be found on the internet for free, and just needs to be downloaded.
Cara Menghilangkan Bau Badan Dan Keringat Berlebihan
4 months ago
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